
17 mars 2021

Galway Bay

Filed under: La carte postale du jour — Lali @ 12:00

Pour souligner la Saint-Patrick, j’ai choisi cette carte que m’a envoyée de Dublin Brian, l’un de mes deux correspondants irlandais. Et comme il y a tellement d’interprétations intéressantes de cette chanson traditionnelle, je n’ai pas voulu m’arrêter à en choisir une, préférant vous laisser fouiller un peu et dénicher celle qui vous plait le plus.

Par contre, vous ne quitterez pas ce billet les mains vides. Voici toutes les paroles de cette vieille chanson irlandaise :

If you ever go across the sea to Ireland
Then maybe at the closing of your day;
You will sit and watch the moonrise over Claddagh
And see the sun go down on Galway Bay

Just to hear again the ripple of the trout stream
The women in the meadows making hay;
And to sit beside a turf fire in the cabin
And watch the barefoot gossoons at their play

For the breezes blowing over the seas from Ireland
Are perfumed by the heather as they blow;
And the women in the uplands digging praties
Speak a language that the strangers do not know

For the strangers came and tried to teach their way,]
They scorned us just for being what we are;
But they might as well go chasing after moonbeams
Or light a penny candle from a star

And if there is going to be a life hereafter
And somehow I am sure there’s going to be;
I will ask my God to let me make my heaven
In that dear land across the Irish Sea

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