Cadeau inespéré
On appelle ça un cadeau inespéré. Car tout ce que je voulais faire, c’était réussir une belle photo de lectrice dans le décor enchanteur de la terrasse du Valois. La seconde lectrice en arrière-plan est un cadeau. Je ne l’avais même pas remarquée! Affaire à suivre, car il faut absolument que je vous parle de cet endroit, photos à l’appui. Le mot exquis est faible, mais je ne vous en dis pas plus pour l’instant.
Et que dire des deux petits pots placés au premier plan !! Quelle perspective ! Une réussite !
Lecture de l’image !!
Comment by Reine — 20 septembre 2008 @ 0:23
Une splendeur.
Tout y est … lumière, atmosphère, et même une lectrice en deuxième plan qui rend cette photo magique.
Ah que je suis jaloux… un peu, beaucoup, à la folie …
Comment by Armando — 20 septembre 2008 @ 1:39
Il y a même les rayons du soleil qui s’invitent dans le livre…une aubaine pour la lectrice au premier plan.
Lali, ta photo est de toute beauté et quel joli décor !
Comment by Denise — 20 septembre 2008 @ 5:25
Pardon my lack of knowledge regarding your beautiful French language. I tried to translate on line, but too confusing. Is this a photo of you?
Thank you for posting comments on my blog, your flower photographs are spectacular!
Comment by Linda McCoy — 20 septembre 2008 @ 13:52
Linda, it is a picture I took yesterday afternoon. In fact, I was taking a picture of the reader at the terrasse and my surprise was to discover another one in the back when I came home. It is a gift!
The flower photographs are partly mine as I have friends in Belgium, in France, in Switzerland and in Montreal who do help me to flourish my blog. And whom I thank: they are precious!
Someday, I hope I will be able to see your gorgeous paintings elsewhere than the Web… Why not? And at the same time, have a chat with you!
Have a nice weekend!
Comment by Lali — 20 septembre 2008 @ 14:02
Thanks Lali,mind if I paint this picture and send you the finished painting? I like the sunlight and composition, the nice surprise is the reader in the background. I would love to meet you one day, what a nice chat we could have!
Comment by Linda McCoy — 20 septembre 2008 @ 15:08
I would be honoured to present your painting here.
You are just great!
And let’s dream we will have a long chat one day!
Comment by Lali — 20 septembre 2008 @ 15:12
Thanks Lali, I will let you know when it is complete, and posted on my blog! What is the white area on the table, is this light or an object? It appears taller than the other objects.
Comment by Linda McCoy — 20 septembre 2008 @ 15:26
Linda, it is the sunlight on the book, it was so nice! Somehow, it made me think that the words were an inspiration to the reader.
Comment by Lali — 20 septembre 2008 @ 15:37
Thanks Lali! I am anxious to get to work on this one!
Have a wonderful week-end!
Comment by Linda McCoy — 20 septembre 2008 @ 16:17
I am working on completion of this painting, it will be finished soon. Lali, I will forward to you first for approval, to be sure that I have captured and interpreted your image correctly!
Comment by Linda McCoy — 1 octobre 2008 @ 14:37
I am very happy and excited about it, Linda.
I am sure I will be delighted.
Comment by Lali — 1 octobre 2008 @ 21:39
Hello Lali,
I am nearly complete…would it be possible for you to email the photo to me so that I can check for accuracy? I will email the completed painting to you in a day or two. If you will also provide your address, I will send the painting when it is dry, in another two weeks or so. You may post on your blog if you like. I hope you enjoy, as much as I have enjoyed painting it!
Comment by Linda McCoy — 12 octobre 2008 @ 23:41
Hi Linda,
The picture should ne in your email box by now!
I am really excited about this project of yours!
Have a nice day and thanks for everything!
Comment by Lali — 13 octobre 2008 @ 6:29
Lali, It is posted today on my blog. I hope you enjoy!
Comment by Linda McCoy — 19 octobre 2008 @ 12:36